Change of usage limit

Details of company

e.g. +358501234567

Change of usage limit

€ / month.
The usage limit refers to the maximum purchase amount, specific to customer number, per calendar month. Your company's monthly usage limit is shown on your invoice. Our credit control team will process the usage limit change requests. Raising the customer's usage limit always includes a credit check.


Before you proceed to signing the application, you can check it using the “Preview” button.

Please enter the email address of the authorized signatory, and click “Continue”. The signing process will follow the next steps. Please note that the authentication step requires the use of personal bank credentials or a mobile certificate.. The document is signed according the instructions in the received email. Please note that during the authentication, you will have to confirm your identity using your personal Internet banking codes.

If signing authority is distributed among multiple individuals within your company, first enter the email address of one authorized signatory. They will receive a confirmation email, which they can forward to the next signatory. The next authorized individual can complete the signing process by clicking the link in the forwarded message.

If you have a power of attorney, you may attach it during the signing phase.

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